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Our College Successfully Held a Pre--Defense for Doctor Candidate in Psychology

2020-11-02 Peng Cui, Wan Jiaojiao Click:[]

At 2:30 p.m. on October 30, 2020, our college held a pre-defense for doctor candidates in psychology. Affected by the outbreak of coronavirus pneumonia, the meeting was conducted through a remote video of the Tencent conference network. The meeting was chaired by five external experts, including Professor Lu Changqin from Peking University (as the chair), Professor Xin Ziqiang from the Central University of Finance and Economics, Professor Li Aimei from Jinan University, Professor Meng Hui from East China Normal University, and Professor Lv Houchao from Southwest University. Professor Wang Minghui, Professor Zhao Junfeng, and some graduate students in psychology attended the meeting.

The meeting was defended anonymously. It was divided into three phases. Firstly, the doctor candidates presented around 25 minutes about the selection background of their topics, research contents, research methods, research results, discussion, and other aspects of the dissertation. Then, the five experts and Professor Zhao Junfeng put forward valuable opinions and suggestions, research innovation points, and research significance of the presented dissertation. Finally, the doctor candidates responded to questions raised by the experts and also had in-depth discussions with the experts. Finally, after careful discussion by the expert group, it was agreed that the doctor candidate satisfied the standards of the pre-defense, and his paper would be sent to the external experts for review.

At the end of the meeting, based on the judge's and experts' advice, Professor Lu Changqin made a summary of the meeting. Professor Zhao Junfeng and Professor Wang Minghui expessed our thanks to experts and invited them to guide our work in the near future. At this point, the meeting has come to a successful conclusion.