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Zhang Jingshun, a professor from Florida Gulf Coast University, came to our institute to deliver a speech

2018-07-02  Click:[]

In the afternoon of June 22nd, Zhang Jingshun, a professor from Florida Gulf Coast University, was invited by our institute to make an academic report entitled Trends in North America: Effective Classroom Teaching (Online and Offline) and Its Evaluation System. The report was held in the conference room on the fourth floor of our institute as well as was chaired byLiu Qinghua, the head of the Education Department of our institute.

At the beginning of the lecture, Zhang Jingshun discussed the overall evaluation of online education in many aspects, such as "how to solve complex problems with simple problems", "today's online learning situation", "online teacher cultivation", "online learning evaluation characteristics" and so on.

He emphasized that the establishment of an effective evaluation system should pay attention to the students' emotional change and the motivation of students' study, grasp the development situation,  complement each other’s advantages between the traditional education and online education complementary, combine the comprehensive evaluation with the whole program evaluation, and finally achieve the goal of  learning while teaching and teaching while research.

This report will play an important guiding role in promoting the theoretical research of online education evaluation in our institute.